Setup and development

First-time setup

Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node (at least the latest LTS)
  • Yarn (at least 1.0)

Then update the following files to suit your application:


# Install dependencies from package.json
yarn install

Dev server

Note: If you're on Linux and see an ENOSPC error when running the commands below, you must increase the number of available file watchers.

# Launch the dev server
yarn dev

# Launch the dev server and automatically open it in
# your default browser when ready
yarn dev --open


This project includes generators to speed up common development tasks. Commands include:

# Generate a new component
yarn new component

# Generate a new layout component
yarn new layout

# Generate a new Vuex state
yarn new state

Update existing or create new generators in the _templates folder, with help from the Hygen docs and Enquirer docs.


Base components

Base components (a.k.a. presentational, dumb, or pure components) that apply app-specific styling and conventions should all begin with the _base- prefix. Since these components are typically used in place of raw HTML element (and thus used as frequently), they're automatically globally registered for convenience. This means you don't have to import and locally register them to use them in templates.